Why You Should Hire a Brain Injury Lawyer

Every year March is the month for observing Brain Injury Awareness according to the Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA). The current campaign by BIAA is called ‘More Than My Brain Injury’, which spreads awareness and promotes people with brain injury to experience life beyond their injuries.
We at the Law Office of David Dwork in Boston fully support and promote this campaign and the efforts of BIAA. However, learning about the stories of some of the people with traumatic brain injury (TBI) or TBI-related disabilities, we could not help notice that many of them do not get justice.
Millions of Americans suffer TBI and TBI-related disabilities each year, and there are very few who get the compensation they deserve.
If you have had a TBI or related injury from anything between a slip-and-fall accident and a car accident, you should hire a brain injury lawyer to assist with the case.
Why You Should Hire a Brain Injury Lawyer
The main reason to hire a brain injury lawyer is to get compensated for the losses you incurred due to your brain injury. However, there are many other reasons to hire a brain injury lawyer. Keep reading to learn more!
Specialization & Experience
Unlike a typical attorney or even a personal injury lawyer, brain injury lawyers are specialized in handling cases of brain injury. This means they have vast experience in such cases and can better represent you and your case in the court of law.
They have seen much of what brain injury cases entail and have studied various unique cases and laws to specialize in the field. Hiring a brain injury lawyer gives you a higher chance of getting the full compensation you deserve.
Medical Knowledge
Brain injury lawyers know everything related to brain injuries, TBIs, and TBI-related disabilities, and their experience with these cases has given them extensive medical knowledge on the subject.
They fully understand that brain injury can occur from even the smallest of accidents and it doesn’t need to be caught immediately after the accident. Often your test results like x-rays and other scans can come clear from tests run immediately after your accident.
These tests cannot be completely reliable and you can experience many of the symptoms of brain injury much later after your accident. This includes things like:
- Fatigue
- Vertigo
- Seizures
- Headaches
- Attention-deficit
- Coordination deficit
- Speech impairment
- Hearing impairment
- Smell impairment
- Sight impairment
- Mood swings
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Much more
An experienced brain injury lawyer understands exactly how to handle delayed reactions and false test results. They have the required medical knowledge and expertise to understand each brain injury case and overcome the various legal obstacles accordingly.
Local State Laws
Brain injury compensation differs from state to state and competent brain injury lawyers know this all too well. They study their cases according to the state laws and rules on compensation to get you the best results possible.
You will get much better results hiring a local brain injury lawyer who has experience in handling local cases in local courts. This is why the local brain injury lawyers at the Law Office of David Dwork are the best option for you in Boston, MA.
Contact Us to Learn More
Brain injuries are devastating, and they can result in life-long complications, disabilities, and the inability to live life to the fullest. Suffering a brain injury, TBI, or TBI-related disability should not go unheard in the courts, and you deserve the compensation you are entitled to.
A professional brain injury lawyer can help get you the compensation you deserve and help ease the process of normalization after an accident.
If you want to learn more about why you should hire a brain injury lawyer, or if you want the services of the most experienced, professional brain injury lawyer in Boston, please visit our website today. You can also call us directly at 617-620-0857 for any answers or help you may need.