Somerville Brain Injury Lawyer

Those of us who live in Somerville appreciate the many benefits of our multicultural community. Whether we are enjoying a leisurely walk on a summer evening, an intimate dinner at our favorite ethnic restaurant on Elm Street, or a winter’s day at home watching the Patriots win another Super Bowl, Somerville offers us a quality of life that is unique in the Greater Boston area.

There is always considerable traffic on the streets of Somerville, and a mix of pedestrian and vehicle traffic around Tufts that can at times lead to accidents. In most cases these accidents result in relatively minor injuries but there are occasions when more serious injuries will occur. One of the most catastrophic personal injuries can be a Traumatic Brain Injury. My name is David Dwork, and as a brain injury lawyer I’ve spent my career helping survivors of head injury and their families in the Somerville area.

Traumatic Brain Injury, or TBI, is the term used to describe any brain injury caused by an external force that disrupts normal brain function. These disruptions may last for a period of time that can be difficult to predict and can vary from a few minutes to a lifetime. In many cases of TBI, the victim never loses consciousness and appears to recover quickly. If, however, the person who has sustained a TBI loses consciousness for any length of time it is a sign that the individual should be evaluated by a medical professional. It is also important to contact a lawyer who handles these types of complex cases as soon as possible.

We now know that TBI can be an ongoing event, and that a series of seemingly minor injuries can lead to disability years later. This is particularly important to those who participate in contact sports such as football, soccer, and rugby. Many cases of TBI are also seen in our armed forces veterans who were exposed to repeated nearby explosions in combat zones. As an author and speaker on this subject, I have the in-depth experience to help survivors achieve justice.

Although the symptoms of TBI will vary among individuals, the more commonly seen symptoms of TBI may include:

  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Personality changes
  • Lapses in both short and long-term memory
  • Gradual loss of coordination when performing routine tasks

If you, or a family member, have been diagnosed with TBI there may be legal options available to you. In the Somerville area, attorney David Dwork is ready to assist survivors of TBI and their families. With over 30 years experience as a brain injury attorney, and as a recognized authority in the field, Mr. Dwork will be your advocate in all types of TBI cases.

Client Reviews

Please accept this review as my letter of recommendation for David Dwork to represent you as your next attorney. David was referred to me by a consultant, who has advised me for several years on financial and...

Brian M.

My family has had the pleasure of working with Attorney David Dwork since last September, and the more I work with him, I know we selected the Best. He was highly recommended by two attorneys who I respect...

Mary R.

I worked closely with David for more than 25 years in a mid-size law firm where, for much of that time, he was head of the litigation department. As we worked together on numerous complex litigation matters, he...

Roger M.

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